








Author  :  Professor M. Ramakrishnan

                                 Good Life Ashram, sivasailam- 627412.

                                    Near Alwaarkurichi, Thirunelveli District,


Translated by:    Daamodar  J.N.

                     From tamil to English.

                                      The name of original Tamil Book is

                                                          "Noinri Vaazha Mudiyaadha?"   

First Edition: 2010.

 Published by: Good Health Foundatioon,

                       Plot No, 100, Road No,7C,

Jubilee  Hills,

               Hyderabad- 500033.

                                 Phone: 040-23545231, 23543613.

            mobile: 80080 45231.



Whenever we get a disease, the question we ask ourselves is, “Is  it not possible to live without diseases? It is possible’ says professor M. Ramakrishnan. He has researched on this subject and tells the reasons, why we get diseases and what we should do to live without diseases. The methods he suggests are simple and they will make us healthy and active in our day to day life.

Mr. Ramakrshnan lived many years by eating natural foods. He inspired his wife and younger brother also to live on natural foods. His only son was brought up to totally on natural foods, right from childhood. He was the friend, philosopher and guide to those who  were  suffering with diseases and who wanted to come out of the same permanently.

The original book was written by professor M. Ramakrishnan in Tamil under the title ‘’Noinri Vaazha Mudiyaadha?’’For the benefit of people. Who can not read Tamil that book has been translated by me from Tamil to English. This  translation was done on behalf of Good Health Foundation, Hyderabad who has obtained the necessary permission to publish the same in English.

Daamodhar .J.N




Eating cooked food is the main cause for the violence  which the world is witnessing today. We have to come out of this habit. If we eat, only natural foods, such as fruits and nuts and drink only water and live a simple natural life, we will gain healthy life unparallel happiness. This truth has been brought out in this book, with my personal experience as well as with the help of scientific explanations. Right from childhood,  I had a liking for natural life. Also, I followed the advice given by Mahatma Gandhi and stopped drinking coffee, tea and soda and stopped eating non vegetarian foods.

I went of Chennai city, to look for a job. There I came into contact with Mr.M.K. Pandurangam and took up teaching job in Kanya Gurukulam, which he was running at Kaladipettai.  While working there, I Promoted one NGO by name World Peace Centre at a village called Naappaalayam  near Chennai. I invited  Mr. Pandurangam to inaugurate that center. In the inaugural function, Mr. Pandurangam advised me to work  on the subject of Natural Food, which Would help the humanity.

I started working on that subject sincerely. I changed my diet from cooked  food to natural food. At that point of time,  I got married to Mrs. Alwaarammaal. I advised  her also to change over to natural food, from cooked food, since she was suffering with some ailments. She came out of those ailments, after she switched over to natural food totally.

The experience we gained ourselves and also the knowledge we gained by reading the books written by people like Rovanessian, Kellog, Arnold Ehret, Carrington, Wilson, Dr. Sheldon and  Dr.Christine Nolfi  have made us more involved in living natural life. To pass on our experience to this world and to make the entire world population reap the beneflt of healthy life , we have established the ‘Good Life Ashram' at Sivasailam. This place is situated at the foot hills of Pothigai Hills in Thirunelveli District in Tamil Nadu.  Mr. M.M. Chinnaandaar is my college mate as well as President of Selam District, Tamil teachers Association. He is responsible for bringing out this book. This book gives tips for leading healthy life. I give guranantee that whoever reads this book and implement the suggestions given in their own life, Will lead a healthy, disease free life.

Those who have the courage of conviction, in leading a disease free life, would change over to natural food immediately. Others can change gradually. I welcome the people, who have already changed from eating cooked for to natural foods.

By boiling food items in water or frying in oil heating on fire, the become poisons. We call the above said act as cooking . The poisons  which enter our body gradually is the cause for graying, loosing eye sight and getting diseases.

The gradually killing cooked food, attacks the brain which in turn causes madness and sexual aberration and give rise to bad habits. An English proverb says ‘’God created fruits for the healthy life of  human beings, whereas Satan created cooking, for killing human beings.’’

A German proverb says ‘’The Kitchen has killed more people than the sword.''

The oven in the kitchen produces poisonous gases, which pollutes the atmospheric air. The detergents used for cleaning the cooking vessels. Pollutes the ground water. Trees are cut for the sake of fire wood, needed for cooking. When the trees are cut, rain fall is reduced, thus giving rise to drought conditions.

If people start living on fruits and nuts, they will not fall sick. If that happens, then the need for doctors, medicines and hospitals will come down.

M . Ramakrishnan




1.Disease and its origin                                                   -        5 to 6

2. Old age and death are not natural                                -        7 to 9

3. Kitchen and the poisons generated there                      -        10 to 10

4. Natural food and health                                               -        11 to 12

5. Fruits are the best food for human beings                    -        13 to 14

6. Ways to change from cooked food to natural foods     -        15 to 16

7. Case histories                                                              -        17 to 20

8. Good Life Ashram and Good Life Movement -        21 to 22



What is disease?

Disease means becoming weak. Whenever our body changes from normal condition to a weaker condition, we call that as disease.

What is the cause for disease?

Though there are many explanations for this question, the root cause for getting diseases has finally been discovered. That food is not available to our body, since we eat cooked food. Cooked food acts as poison to kill the cells, instead of helping the growth. Cooked food  and all other ready made beverages gradually cause the body to become sick

How to cure the disease?

The first step to come out of the disease, is to avoid, adding further poison to the body. We have to take the help of Natural foods for this purpose. Instead of following the above course, today people rely on allopathy system of healing,  which only adds further chemicals to the body. Initially you may feel, that you are getting cured. But as the treatment continues, more and more chemicals get ingested into the body, which causes irrepairable damage  to the  body.

Disease is only one:

Disease is only one. But  allopathy system of healing,  which is the most popular of all, call them with various names, If the head aches, it is called headache. If the stomach aches, it is called stomach ache. Based on the name of the part, the name the disease. But the cause for all of these is only one.

Cure also is only one:

If the disease is only one, the cure also has to be only one. True healing is possible, only through natural methods. By eating fruits alone, we can come out of any disease. By eating only fruits, we are avoiding the poisons, that would otherwise accumulate in the body. And the poisons which are already  embedded in the body, will start coming out through our excretary organs. After the completion of this process, our body will reach the normal state and will continue to remain in that state with good health.

The moment , we stop eating cooked food, the accumulation of poisons in our body stops. At this stage, if we observe fasting simultaneously taking sun bath and drink pure water, our body will reach normal state. Thereafter, if we eat only fruits, our body will remain strong and healthy.

In this world only human beings and their pet animals and birds suffer with diseases. The rest of the living beings do not suffer diseases, since they all eat their natural food and live natural life. The fish,  birds and animals do not have kitchens and they do not go to hospitals and medical shops. They do not have any knowledge about medicines. Even without the above, they all live happy life. There is no comparison between their life and that of human beings.

With natural food it is always happiness:

When we eat only natural food, our health will be like that of  birds and animals in nature. It is not impossible, to live that kind of life. It needs courage and conviction. One can make a beginning with natural food, one time in a day.


Old age and death do not happen naturally. Both are results of our actions only.

What is old age?

When we eat cooked food, every day poisons accumulate in our body. Such accumulations are thrown out by our cleaning organs. However when we keep on adding these poisons, to our body, due to continuous heavy work, our cleaning organs loose their strength. When they loose their strength, the poisons which are not cleaned fully, stagnate inside our bodies. Because of this phenomena, both internal as well as external organs loose their strength, and we start ageing. From the above, it is clear  that for old age, stagnating poisons are the main cause. Therefore if the stagnating poisons are eliminated, even the people who look old,  would look young. This is a proven fact.

How to avoid old age look?

Out of thousands of birds, which live on natural foods, we can not make out. which are young and which are old. Like wise, out of thousands of ants we can not make out, which are young and which are old. From our ancient  literature,  we understand  that our saints retained their young age looks  for a long duration.

Our old age, graying and developing cataract are all indications of diseased conditions. As long as our blood vessels are flexible and smooth. It makes our body remain young. In people we eat cooked food, the poisons generated from that food clog the blood vessels. Consequently they look old. People who eat natural food and have good habits look younger. With natural food, it is possible to have younger look for a longer duration and postpone ageing process. After switching over to natural food, hundred percent. you can notice yourself, that you are looking young.

What is death?

Any living being, which lives on  natural food, do not die naturally. Death occurs due to two reasons. One is when the body is unable to throw out poisons and the body parts loose their strength and totally become inactive, we call that stage as death. The other reason is when they are attacked by other living beings or objects so severely that they immobile and then die. Except for the above two causes, there is no other way, death is caused.

This is the reason why health experts have said that there is no natural death for living beings. Death occurs only due to external attacks or due to the effect of  natural acts. As long as we live with natural  food, and not attacked  externally, we  will continue  to live steady life. Like this, human beings can live for hundred or even more number of years. Our body had been created to live that kind of life. We have read about people, who have lived for many centuries.

Scientists who had done research on human body are wondering why human being die at all. It has the capacity to repair by itself. If we observe its constitution, there is no possibility for its death. It is a surprise to note, that human beings are dying.

The observations of some scientists are given below.

1.               According to the British Scientist Mr. Monroe ’’When we have conducted research on human body, we realized that it has been created in such a way that it will never die. We could not find any symptom that it will lead to its death. The human body has been created with such perfection’’.

2.               According to the English Scientist Sir Issac Newton ‘’Out of all creations, by God, human beings have been created in such  a way, that they remain young always’’.

3.               According to the American Scientist Mr. Briton Burg  ‘’The human body which has been created with such  perfect  glands and organs indicate, that they have been created in such a way, that they will live for ever, without death’’

4.               According to the English Scientist Mr. Chris ’’By observing fast and by eating natural food, living long is an achievable event’’.

5.               According to the Scientist Arthur Clark  ‘’ There is no exact reason for early death of human beings. Human body has the capacity to grow by itself repair by itself, purify by itself, renew by itself, and to relive by itself. Such an excellent creation has  no  death at all.

Why human beings die?

We have now information about microscopic living beings, which have been alive, for a long duration. When living beings which have no growth as well as strength, can live without diseases, the human beings which have growth as well as strength, should not die at all. Such a death  is a shameful thing for the humanity.

So for, no equipment  has been invented, in this world, which has the highest perfection, similar to a human being. In spite of such perfection, we see the decaying of human body. What is the  reason for this?  The capacity of human body also has some  limitation. We destroy it to such an extent that it becomes impossible for it to repair and recoup itself. By feeding with cooked food and medicines, we destroy the body. Thus results the death in one way. Death also occurs due to accidents caused by equipments developed to improve our standard of living.

The best service any one can render to humanity is to make them healthy:

All over the world, people are suffering with incurable diseases. Advising and guiding them to change over to natural food, from cooked food is the immediate service needed to humanity. Humanity has to be thankful, to such people who do that service today.

Mr.M.K. Pandurangam, did yeomen service to humanity, by guiding them on natural foods in the place of cooked food. In the year 1934, he wrote and published the book ‘’Man’s food unveiled’’, which tells the best food meant for human beings. He dedicated his life for this cause. Humanity is indebted to him, for ever, for this service. In the similar way, Mr, Rovanessian did yeomen service to humanity in lran. He wrote the book ‘’ Raw Eating'',  which gives valuable information on child mortality etc.


Kitchen is more dangerous than atom bomb. We all know that atom bomb  is capable of destroying humanity totally.  the kitchen is more dangerous than Atom bombs to humanity. Atom bomb kills people in one shot. Whereas kitchen destroys the culture, body and life of human beings. It destroys gradually and converts each and every  human being into a store house of diseases. Cooked food is the root cause for all the bad habits of human beings. This is very clearly brought out in his book "Raw eating"’ written by Mr. Rovanessian. According to him, eating cooked food causes accumulation of  poisons in the body. And these poisons in turn are the cause for wars, jealous feelings, theft, murders and sexual aberration etc.

Parents are the murderers:

When a mother starts giving coffee, tea and cooked food to her baby which is still suckling she has laid the foundation for gradual poisoning and killing the child with diseases. According to Rovanessian, the day the mother starts feeding her  child with cooked food, that day itself she has embarked  on the job of killing her baby. The mother who suckle their babies, will  produce partially poisoned milk. Added to this is the feeding of baby with cooked food. With the above said two sources of poisons, the baby suffers immensely. There can not be any other reasons, for the crying of baby than the above.

When are we going to dismantle kitchen from our houses?

No other living being wears spectacles like human beings. The kingfisher bird spots the fish in the lake or well. How sharp is the eye sight of Kingfisher bird, compared to the human beings?.  The eagle which flies at a great height in the sky spots the chicken on the ground and it picks it up as its prey. We have to compare our eye sight, with than of the eagle and realize the truth.

Lots of people are dying due to cancer, T.B. etc. This kind of deaths are not occurring to other living beings. The main reason for this is they do not convert natural food into poisonous food  like we do by cooking. By eating cooked food even the pet animals and birds suffer with diseases. When we eat natural food in the natural form without cooking, we can save ourselves from any disease.


When we eat natural foods and live natural life. We are sure to live a healthy life. This truth has been experienced by many people in their lives.

We can live without disease:

Disease fee life is the best wealth, one can possess is  an universal truth to achieve that wealth what is needed is natural food.

We can live longer:

The infantile death as well as untimely deaths can be avoided through natural food. When we eat natural food, and live in natural environment there is no limit for the life expectancy.

No place for famine:

Today’s world is suffering with famine and starvation. The suffering due to famine can be mitigated with natural foods. By cooking and eating food items are destroyed. To produce food grains, more land area, more water and more labour force is required . Whereas to grow fruit  trees, we need less land area, less water and less labour  force. People would get maximum rest. With more rest, their thinking faculty would improve.

Poverty would disappear:

When we eat natural food, we do not have to  eat stomach full. Even if we eat less, we get sufficient energy. When food grains are grown in one acre of land. It is sufficient for five people for an year. In the same land, if fruits and coconuts are grown, it can take care of food requirement of twenty people. As people get used to natural food, the quantum of food, one needs, keep coming down, giving maximum energy and enthusiasm to work. This change in food habit, would help in removing poverty from the country.

Discipline sets in:

With natural foods, the bad habits of people will disappear gradually. According to Shantiyoga, Upanishads  "with pure food, our knowledge become pure with pure knowledge our thinking becomes pure. Pure thinking destroys unhappiness. It would take us to higher level of living in family life’’.

With natural food, our blood becomes pure. With pure blood, we get healthy body, clear mind, clear thinking and clear speech. Good habits develop naturally. With natural foods, good discipline comes  automatically .

Birth control is achieved easily:

Natural food, does not affect either the internal organs or the genitals. The sexual urge in people, who eat natural foods will be under control. Hence to have small family and live happily with wealth, natural food is the best course. In this world, human beings are the only living beings,  which is suffering with excessive population.  Natural food would help in controlling the population. It helps in controlling all five senses, thus making life, pleasant for the people.

With natural food habit of people monsoon rain will be regular:

When people start eating fruits, in the place of cooked food, the demand for fruits will increase. To meet that demand, farmers will start developing more fruit gardens in the place, where food grains are being produced. These fruit trees, In turn, will help in the formation of rain bearing clouds. On account of that, we will get rains regularly during monsoon season. When rains come on time, the ground water table will raise up. Water shortage will not be there at all. Wherever there is thick forest  cover on hills, that area gets good rain. Where there are no trees, rain does not fall in that area . That area becomes a desert ultimately.  In rural areas, for the sake of fire wood trees are cut. When people eat natural food, there is no need for fire wood and hence trees will not be cut.

Body and mind will remain healthy:

When people eat natural food, the will not suffer due to constipation. Which is the basic cause for many diseases. When there is no constipation, blood will not be contaminated and the body will remain healthy. The hair will remain black. Eye sight will be good. Teeth will be strong. The skin will shine, people will not put on weight. And they will be active. Their urine and motion will not smell bad. People would get sound sleep.


As per the constitution and the body structure of human beings, it is clear, that they can live better, with fruit diet only .

Non-vegetarian food is not meant for human beings:

Professor Carrington wrote in his book, ‘’Fasting and the power of nutritions  Food ‘’ as follows. ‘’In the beginning of civilization, no living being was created to eat meat. As the time passed by, when shortage of vegetarian food became severe , the living beings started eating the meat and they had become meat eaters’’.

Human beings do not have the organs, which meat eating animals possess. Such animals have sharp nails, apart from sharp teeth, for tearing meat. The digestive juices secreted in their stomach are more acidic. Their intestines are short. They have no grinding teeth. They have no sweat  glands on their skin. whereas the teeth, intestines and the digestive juices of human beings are suitable for eating fruits only,

Natural food is cooked by God:

With sun light, God cooks  all natural foods such as coconut, banana, mango, guava, dates, grapes, wood apple, custard apple,  sapota, orange, papaya and tomato etc. When we eat the above said foods, we get lot of benefits. This  is the best food.  Available in this world and it is sufficient for us.  Once we get used to the above said food, we do not need kitchen. There are many people in this world,  Who eat only the above said food, all three times in a  day and they are all living without suffering from any disease

Coconut and banana are the best human foods:

In south India, In all temples, coconut and banana are offered to God. Since people consider these two as their best foods, they offer the same to God. People who drink country liquor and eat meat offer these two items to the deity, whom they worship.

Coconut  and banana are not seasonal foods . They are available at any place in South India through out the year. Both are the best wholesome foods. Banana can be eaten from six months old baby to person of any age, at any time. It is soft and easily   digestible.  It gives strength to both body and mind.

Coconut can be called natural lunch box:

Out of all food items available in this world, coconut is the best. It is available throughout the year in South India, The shell which is strong, protects the nut inside .  This kind of protection is not available to any other food in this world. Both food and water are kept in one place, inside the shell and this can be called natural lunch box. The coconut gives strength to the body parts apart from giving the purest food. When coconut is consumed regularly, our skin shines bright and internal organs function well. It helps all joints to function well. The elimination of poison  from  blood is done effectively . Coconut is the only food, which can be eaten, at any stage, while it is growing.

Coconut is the best human food:

Mr.M.K. Panduragam in his book ‘’Man’s Food Unveiled’’ has clearly brought out, that ‘’Coconut is the food’’ for human beings with proper justification I am lucky to become his disciple. Today he has followers in USA., Costa Rica,  England, South Africa,Iran, Thailand and Srilanka. Within India, from South there are many followers. Even in North India his followers are increasing day by day.


Generally nobody likes to change from eating cooked food to natural food.  Reason  is, we are used to cooked food, right from childhood. And humanity got used to this habit over thousands of years. This change can be achieved in the following ways.

Some would change instantaneously:

Those who are convinced about the plus points of natural foods, compared to cooked food, can change instantaneously. Such people have to face lot of criticism  from relatives as well as friends. They would feel the effect of the change soon. Their bodies which were suffering earlier with cooked food. Would start feeling better with natural food.

Some would change gradually:

Out o breakfast, lunch and dinner, one should first attempt to change the dinner from cooked food to natural food. After getting used to this change, for some time, one can attempt changing the breakfast. After getting used to both the above changes, one can attempt changing the  lunch. By this process, one can change gradually from cooked to natural food.

Changes can be made in our cooked food recipes:

Some changes can be made in our recipes. As a first step, one can attempt eating food without salt. After getting used to this salt less food for some period, as a second step, they can reduce chilly powder. They can replace the same with pepper. And in the place of tamarind one can use lime juice which is available through out the year or sour curds or raw mango which is seasonal. They can eat plain rice or chappathi  with curds without salt. To supplement vegetables, they can drink vegetable juice made with beet root, carrot, tomato, bottle guard,  cucumber, basil, curry leaves and coriander leaves. To this  filtered juice, they can add lime juice and honey. Those who cannot afford honey can use jaggery to make the juice testier. Then they can eat few dates. For preparing idly and dosa dough, use unpolished rice and black gram with skin can be used. Using unpolished rice is good, since that has better nutrition value compared  to polished rice.

Flat rice is a good replacement for cooked rice:

People who are in the process of switching over from cooked food to natural food, can eat flat rice by soaking the  same in water. To this, they can add shredded coconut to make it taste better.

Raw Vegetables:

Vegetables such as beetroot, carrot, cabbage, cucumber and  tomato can be eaten raw. If that is difficult you can make juice out of the above. Add lime juice and honey to the above and drink the same. It is comfortable to drink the juice than eating raw vegetables. However, vegetables or their juice is only secondary to either fruits or fruit juices.

How much to eat?

The requirement of food varies, depending on the work, one has to perform. There is no hard and fast rule for this. Depending on your feeling, you can stop eating. With natural food, eating little less or more will not matter at all.

 How many times one should eat in a day?

When one eats natural food, there is no hard and fast rule, about the number of times one eats in a day. For those who do meditation, eating one time meal is useful. Eating  two times also is not bad.

When to  eat food?

Breakfast can be delayed as much as possible. Dinner has to be advanced in the evening as much as possible. Those who eat, one time in a day can eat between 3 to 5 p.m. Those who eat two times, can  have breakfast  at 9 am and dinner at 5 pm.

The ideal time to eat  food is, whenever we feel hungry Compared to that, seeing the time and eating food is not that good. However, since we are all engaged in some work or other, we are forced to follow timings for food. As  long as it is natural food, timing does not matter.


Thousands of people  are living healthily now by switching over to natural food from cooked food. They have all come out of chronic diseases, with which they were suffering for years. Lots of people have come and stayed at 'Good Life  Ashram' at Sivasailam. They ate natural food and cured themselves of the diseases with which they were suffering.

Hunch back cured:

Mr. Micrico is a Professor at Costa Rica University in Central America. He came and stayed at 'Good Life Ashram’ at Sivasailam for  three months. He ate only fruits and coconuts during his stay there. He was suffering with hunch  back since his twenty sixth year. He tried various cures, all over the world. He did not succeed. At Sivasilm, he got cured. He has started a “Good Life Centre” in his country.

My mother has crossed the age of seventy, she was suffering with hunch back. After living on natural food. For some period at Sivasailam, she started walking with her spine in the upright position. This was like a miracle for all of us, brought about by natural food.

Leprosy cured:

Mr. Aanaiappan is my younger brother. He suffered with leprosy for nearly fifteen years. He was treated at many hospitals, including CMC at Veloor, which is a well known hospital in Tamil Nadu. He could not get any relief. At that point of time, I advised him to switch over to natural food totally. He was cured of leprosy in six months. In the same way, two more leprosy  patients got cured by eating natural foods. The details are as follows:

Mr. Kaliaperamal, is the Professor of Botany in Government Arts College, Chennai. He was suffering from leprosy. He came and stayed at Good Life Ashram at Sivasailam. He was asked to take sun bath, mud bath and banana leaf bath along with natural food diet. Every now and then, he was  put on fasting. He came out of leprosy.

Mr. Kuppusaamy is a tailor. He is from Dharmapuri District. By eating natural food and observing fast, he came out of leprosy.

Cancer cured:

   Dr. Christine Nolfi is a doctor in Denmark. She was suffering from breast cancer. She tried various treatments for curing the same. But did not succeed. At last, she resorted to eating natural food . She came out of the disease. Mrs. Sarojini is from Chennai. She is the wife of Mr. Ramamoorthy, working in Transport Department at Chennai as a Senior Officer. She is a homeopathy doctor. She was suffering from breast cancer. Both allopathy and homeopathy were  tried. She was not cured. After doctors have declared, that the disease is incurable, she was brought to Good Life Ashram at Sivasailam. She was given tender coconut water, honey water and fruit juices. Within two months, lot of puss came out and the wound started healing and fresh skin started growing. Even though she came out of cancer, she died on account of various chemicals accumulated in her body, during the process of treatments done earlier.

High blood pressure cured:

   Mrs. Andri is from Thailand. She was suffering from high blood pressure. With natural food diet given at Good Life Ashram, she got cured completely. Mr. Ramamoorthy from Chennai was also suffering from high blood pressure. Within one month of switching over to natural food , his blood pressure came under control.

Skin disease cured:

   Mrs. Sudhama is a Buddhist from USA.. She tried various treatments in many, East Asiatic countries to cure her skin disease. She did not succeed. By changing over to natural foods at Good Life Ashram, she got cured . People who got cured with natural food, started similar Centers to cure diseases at their native countries. Such natural food treatment centers are functioning well in countries like USA, Denmark and Switzerland.

Eye disease cured:

Mrs. Saraswathi is the wife if my master Mr.M.K. Pandurangam. She is a well known social worker. She was a member of legislative council, for twelve years. While she was addressing a public meeting at Chennai, she fell down unconscious. When got up. She could not open one of her eyes. To make her open that eyes, doctors tried various medicines. None of them was successful. Finally my master decided to bring her to Good Life Ashram at Sivasailam. For two months, she was given natural foods, instead of cooked food. She opened her closed eye and left for Chennai.

Asthma cured:

   Mr. Ramakrishnan is the Station Master of Sri Villiputhoor Railway Station. He was finding difficulty in breathing. He came and stayed at Good Life Ashram. He was cured of his problem completely.

   Mr. Sivasubramanya Pillai was working as Cashier of Madurai Textile Mills. He was suffering with asthma. By switching over to natural food, he came  out of that disease.

Sexual disorder cured:

   Mr. Ponnaiya Pillai is a native of Thirunelveli. He was suffering from sexual disorders. By switching over to natural food, he was cured of the problem.

Efficacy of natural food proved:

   Professor Arnold Ehret is a German settled in USA.. He conducted number of experiments with natural food. One such experiment is given below. For two years, he consumed more non-vegetarian foods and made a cut on one of his forearms. The blood continued to flow at the place where a cut was made. Afterwards, puss formed at that place. He fasted for two days and then by eating natural food, he cured himself.

   During the next two years, he consumed only vegetarian foods. He made a similar cut on one of the forearms. This time also the blood had flown. Some how it stopped. That place remained as a wound. With natural food, he has cured himself the wound.

 After  this, for another two years, he ate only fruits and vegetables. He made similar cut on the fore arm. The blood has clotted by itself, after few drops had come out. He experienced more pain, when he had non-vegetarian food and when he had vegetarian food, the pain level was less. Now, when he had only fruit diet, he did not experience any pain. The wound dried without leaving any mark of cut, without any effort.

Stomach pain cured :

   Mr. M.K Pandurangam, was suffering from stomach pain for many years. The doctors decided and told him that, unless an operation is performed this cannot be cured. A day before the surgery, he had read about the miracles that natural food can do. Without undergoing surgery, he cured himself, the stomach pain with the help of natural foods.

Headache, fever, cold and cough cured :

   When I was eating vegetarian cooked food, I used to get attacks of cold, cough, fever and headache, three to four times in an year. Whenever I was getting such attacks, I used to drink, lime juice and observe fast. That used to give me some relief. After I had switched over to natural food, during last twenty eight years, I did not suffer from any of those attacks.

Menstrual cycle disturbance cured :

   Before marriage, when my wife used to eat regular cooked food, she used to suffer at the time of menses every month. After marriage, she had gradually switched over to natural food. After this change, she did not suffer at the time of periods.


To show to people, practically how natural food can charge the quality of their life. Good life Aashram has been created. The first president of this Ashram, was late Mr. M.K Pandurangam. After his demise, Mr. Ramakrishnan  headed this Ashram. After him , his wife Mrs. Alwaarammaal and  son  Mr. Nalvaazhvu  are running  this  Ashram.

Starting of Good Life Ashram:

   Good Life Ashram is located at a place called Sivasailam.  Sivasailam is a small beautiful village, surrounded  by  hills and lakes. This is near Alwaarkurichi in  Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu. To reach this place, one can board Senkottai Express at Egmore Railway Station in Chennai. They have to get down from train at Tenkasi and another Train from Tenkasi to Alwaarkurichi. From Alwarkurichi,  Sivasailam  is at a distance of 1.5 km. The Aashram is at the foot hills of Mulli Mountain and beside Karunai river. The Ashram is laid out on a site of 33 acres. Out of that area, 15 acres is used for creating fruit garden. At the center of this fruit garden, is situated this Good Life Ashram.

   People living at Good Life Ashram, eat fruits and coconuts only. People, who are interested in living Good Life without the feeling of caste, colour, country, religion and language can come and stay at Good Life Ashram.  This is a registered world body.

   Those  who want to leave off cooked food totally and eat only fruits and nuts, and drink pure water and breathe pure air, can come and stay at this place. This Ashram is growing steadily and encouraging  people to live with natural food.

Place for people who are willing to eat only fruits:

   For those people, who want to stay and live at Good Life Ashram facilities are available. Those who are willing to live only on fruits and nuts, have to meet their expenses themselves. They can either live alone or with family. They can build a house for themselves.

Good  Life Movement:

   Those who have interest in their own health, as well as those who have gained experience in Good Life, should follow the principles of good life and lend others to follow the same. Younger generation has to be convinced about the usefulness of good life. To achieve that objective, this ashram has started the Good Life Movement and running the same. This movement is helping people, who eat only fruits and nuts and lead a natural life all over the world.

   We want more and more people to join this movement and spread this message. Such people can get in touch with this ashram. We are confident, that such people will possess the best health and would lead the best life in this world.

My humble request:

   If you are convinced about the truths mentioned in this booklet, please make 5 copies of this booklet and distribute them to people, about whom you are concerned.

                                                            J.N.Daamodhar. B.E.,

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